Wing Chun Illustrated is the only magazine devoted to Wing Chun, regardless of lineage. NO LINEAGE POLITICS! Subscribe today for INSTANT ACCESS to all back issues released since 2011 – an incredible value of $545– offering over 4,500 pages of Wing Chun insights! Plus, enjoy six new editions annually. NOTE: WCINewsstand is digital-only. Print editions are available worldwide on Amazon.
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Founded in September 2011 by Mui Fa Publishing, Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine aims to UNIFY the entire Wing Chun family, to give a voice to ALL LINEAGES, and to help preserve all this unique fighting system offers to current and FUTURE GENERATIONS of practitioners.
Each 60-page issue of Wing Chun Illustrated comes packed with feature stories by and about the greatest exponents of Wing Chun, regardless of lineage or style.
Wing Chun Illustrated is first and foremost a print magazine. Each perfect-bound, full-colour, glossy edition is available through the pioneering Print-on-Demand magazine service MagCloud who is responsible for printing and shipping our print edition worldwide.
We hope that no matter what lineage we each belong to, we can all unite around Wing Chun Illustrated—we all share the same LOVE AND PASSION for the art.